A while ago the kind folks from Sodastream sent me one of their soda makers to give it a go.

This is an impressive looking machine in its gold and beige colour scheme called the Revolution.

So what makes it cooler than the one your mom used to have?
- There is no manual pumping, you screw in the bottle, choose from 1 of 4 levels of fizziness 
and push the button. It’s electronic.
- The LCD display indicates how much gas is left in the cylinder so that you don’t have to face the 
disappointment of not having soda water for that whisky you so looked forward to.
- It seems like (not sure if I’m correct) the machine shuts off when you’re not using it so it doesn’t waste electricity .
- It looks much better on a kitchen counter than the old robot looking ones.

Honestly, I’m not a big fan of the ready-made syrups so I decided to make my own.
(I’m told the Red Bull flavoured syrup is quite good)

Rosemary, Lemon & Honey syrup

This goes well with just soda water but even better with soda water and a shot of gin. The flavours mix well with the botanical flavours in gin.


1 ½ T fresh chopped rosemary
½ cup sugar
2 T lemon juice (fresh is always better)
1 ½ T honey
2 T water

Add all but the water to a pot, heat it up and stir continuously until the sugar melted and it resembles a syrup. Add the water and give it one last stir.

Strain and pour into a sterilised bottle and let it cool down.

Add 30ml gin and 30ml of the syrup to a chilled glass filled with soda water and ice. Add a slice of fresh lemon, a straw and imagine you’re sitting at Tom Cruise’s beach bar in Cocktail.