Time for a new challenge

In the beginning of this year I attended a part-time cooking course at a chef school. In the months to follow I’ve applied a lot of the knowledge/techniques/tricks that I picked up during the course. But recently I started to feel that it’s time to move on…so now that I have the basics covered, it’s time for the next stage in my food journey!

This time there is no formal cooking course. I’ve decided on a few topics that I want to explore and I’m going to tackle them one by one doing my own research, sourcing the ingredients myself and cooking it without the assistance of a professional chef… I’m planning to use any source of reliable info I can find (food blogs / recipe books / restaurants / food shows / boutique food supply stores and of course google)

The first area/cooking style/ food type that I am diving into is curries. Now Kerrie-en-rys at a church bazaar is not exactly what I have in mind. I want to spice things up a bit more! (I couldn’t resist a spicy pun…). I am not just looking for a good recipe which I can reproduce in future so I skipped any recipe that use a pre-mixed, off-the-shelf curry mix . I actually want to learn about the different spices and the taste that each of them contribute to the end product.

I am planning to cover a variety of curries from Thai green curries to Malaysian to Indian and even a Sri-Lankan curry.
I will try to explain as much as I possibly can about the lesser known ingredients based on the limited knowledge/experience that I’ve gained so far. Finding some of these ingredients has proven to be quite a challenge so I will include the suppliers of these ingredients in each recipe.

I hope you try some of the recipes that follow yourself! You can be sure that I won’t post a recipe if it isn’t worth it!

PS. I thought I should include the following piece of (hopefully) useful advice. If you try to follow blogs / websites but you find it frustrating because you either forget the names of the blogs or you don’t have the time to visit each of the sites you would like to follow everyday to see if there is something new or when you do have the time you see that there are a lot of new posts that you’ve missed, a simple solution might be to get a Google Reader account. If you already have a gmail account you don’t even need to create any new accounts, you simply need to tailor your Reader to follow the sites you like. Go to Google and click on the ‘More’ option on the toolbar at the top. You’ll see the Reader option there. From there simply follow the steps. You can also link your Google Reader account to various apps for phones or tablets which I find even more convenient.


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